Can U Cut 10 Mg Oxycodone Fast Release in Half

how to wean off oxycodone at home

In this article, I'm going to provide y'all with a simple pace-by-step programme on how to wean off oxycodone at home. Weaning off oxycodone without withdrawal symptoms is totally possible if y'all apply a few "mega-strategies" together. I'g going to explicate exactly what these mega-strategies are, how they can erase withdrawal symptoms, and how yous tin utilize them to wean off oxycodone at home. I now invite you lot to follow these v steps to finish your oxycodone dependence…

Table of Contents

  • i Step ane: Make a Decision
  • ii Stride 2: Offset Tapering Oxycodone
  • 3 Stride iii: First Exercising
  • 4 Step 4: Start Eating an Endorphin-Building Diet
  • five Step 5: Start Taking an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement
    • 5.1 How to Wean Off Oxycodone at Habitation

Step 1: Make a Conclusion

Before I get into the mega-strategies, I should outset inform y'all that at that place is zero more powerful than a strong mindset.

You have to decide one time and for all that yous are going to set up a date and start weaning off oxycodone. I know information technology's a frail process, and I also know you well-nigh likely take responsibilities such as work, schoolhouse, family, raising kids, etc. Unfortunately, these responsibilities don't just go away for awhile so you tin can wean off oxycodone. Luckily, this step-by-step plan will enable you to continue having free energy and a positive mood while yous're coming off oxycodone and simultaneously going to piece of work and taking care of other responsibilities.

And then decide right at present that you are going to wean off oxycodone and terminate your dependence for expert.

In that location's no going back. No more than excuses. I'm giving you a solid programme to go by…now it'due south fourth dimension to take action. I've been in your shoes. I used to be heavily addicted to oxycodone and other Rx opiates, which eventually led to heroin dependence. I got make clean and and then went on to become a Substance Abuse Advisor at an Opiate Treatment Program (OTP), where I helped many individuals wean off oxycodone and other opioids using natural methods. They did it…and yous too can be costless of the chains of oxycodone dependence!


Stride 2: Start Tapering Oxycodone

Tapering oxycodone strategically is absolutely essential if y'all want to wean off oxycodone at dwelling comfortably.

By "tapering", I mean systemically reducing the amount of oxycodone yous have over a menses of time. If you've ever come up off oxycodone "cold-turkey", yous know how much of a system shock it can exist to your body and listen. Oxycodone withdrawal is a horrific experience, and you lot're going to prevent this organisation daze by gradually reducing the amount of medication you accept in a controlled mode that your body can handle. Got it? Good!

how to wean off oxycodoneNow, permit's go over a few Tapering 101 basics:

  • Tiresome tapers are easier on your trunk than fast tapers (the slower you go, the fewer withdrawal symptoms yous feel).
  • Everyone is biochemically unique (what works for i person won't necessarily work for everyone).
  • Take but as much oxycodone as is necessary to forestall you from going into withdrawal (you're non trying to get high or feel proficient, only to keep from getting sick).
  • It takes serious discipline to adhere to a tapering protocol (giving your pills to someone you lot tin can trust and having them but give you lot the dosage on your taper schedule is highly recommended).
  • "The lower you go, the slower you become" (information technology might be easy to taper rapidly from 100 mg to 30 mg of oxycodone, all the same, it's amend to deadening it down towards the end of the taper considering it will be less of a daze to your body).

Notation: Since everyone reading this article is going to take varying levels of addiction severity and their own unique biochemical makeup, there is no way I can outline a "one size fits all" taper programme. However, I will provide you with some detailed examples so yous tin get a good understanding of how to implement an oxycodone taper plan into your ain life.

Example #1: Mike the Tattoo Artist

Mike is a tattoo artist that started taking oxycodone afterwards he injured his back snowboarding. His doctor prescribed him to take five mg oxycodone pills, iv times per 24-hour interval. Mike found that the oxycodone gave him more than just pain relief. The medication likewise gave him energy, conviction, happiness, and the feeling that he could do anything he wanted in the world.

He besides felt similar the pills made him a more creative tattoo artist. He chop-chop started taking more oxycodone than was prescribed, and inside three months Mike was purchasing illegal oxycodone off the street, and taking an average dosage of 100 mg per day.

how to wean off oxycodone at home

 If I had to come up upwards with an oxycodone taper plan for Mike, it might look similar this:

  • Calendar week 1: take lxxx mg of oxycodone per day
  • Week 2: take 60 mg of oxycodone per mean solar day
  • Calendar week 3: have 50 mg of oxycodone per day
  • Week iv: take 40 mg of oxycodone per day
  • Calendar week 5: take xxx mg of oxycodone per day
  • Calendar week 6: take 20 mg of oxycodone per day
  • Week 7: accept 15 mg of oxycodone per day
  • Week 8: accept 10 mg of oxycodone per day
  • Week 9: have 5 mg of oxycodone per 24-hour interval
  • Week x: come off oxycodone completely

Case #ii: Heidi the Structure Worker

Heidi started working structure straight out of high school, post-obit in the footsteps of her begetter and two older brothers. After twenty years on the chore, she began to accept issues with her left knee. She finally had knee surgery, and her doctor placed her on xxx mg of oxycodone per day. Two weeks subsequently the surgery, she was in a auto crash and severely injured her cervix and back. Her doc upped the oxycodone dosage to 60 mg per day.

After taking 60 mg of oxycodone every 24-hour interval for half-dozen months, the doctor told Heidi he was taking her off the medication considering her injuries were healed. The first day Heidi went without pills she didn't know why she felt so bad. She had a runny olfactory organ, teary eyes, and she had anxiety, fatigue and stomach discomfort all day long. She called a friend, and they told her she was going through oxycodone withdrawal.

how to wean off oxycodone

If I had to come up with an oxycodone taper programme for Heidi, it might look similar this:

  • Days ane-10: accept l mg of oxycodone per twenty-four hour period
  • Days 11-20: take 40 mg of oxycodone per day
  • Days 21-30: accept 30 mg of oxycodone per mean solar day
  • Days 31-40: take 20 mg of oxycodone per twenty-four hour period
  • Days 41-50: have 15 mg of oxycodone per twenty-four hours
  • Days 51-60: accept 10 mg of oxycodone per twenty-four hours
  • Days 61-80: take 5 mg of oxycodone per solar day
  • 24-hour interval 81: come up off oxycodone completely

Footstep 3: Start Exercising

All drugs mimic different neurotransmitters in the brain, and opiates specifically mimic endorphins, our natural painkillers (natural morphine). Subsequently taking oxycodone for a catamenia of time, the brain gets used to this artificial and massive supply of endorphins. Weaning off oxycodone tin can be difficult because even though you lot're creating less drug-induced endorphins, your body doesn't supply you with the rest. This tin can lead to a massive endorphin deficiency, which makes yous more susceptible to physical and emotional pain.

When my patients used to ask me how to wean off oxycodone at home, I would ever encourage them to exercise as part of their overall taper wellness program. Swimming, jogging, walking, weight grooming and other forms of exercise can help your torso produce endorphins within minutes.

how to wean off oxycodone at home

Exercise tin can aid you wean off oxycodone considering information technology:

  • Improves mood
  • Boosts endorphins (natural painkillers)
  • Improves sleep
  • Reduces pain (both physical and emotional)
  • Promotes well-being
  • Reverses anxiety
  • Reverses low
  • Increases free energy
  • Improves physique
  • Boosts confidence

Step 4: Kickoff Eating an Endorphin-Building Diet

When people ask me how to wean off oxycodone, I always tell them most the endorphin-boosting furnishings of protein. Protein is made up of amino acids. These amino acids are directly responsible for the good for you production of neurotransmitters. Eating a diet rich in high-quality protein foods can help you produce endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals in the brain.

Notation: While you're weaning off oxycodone, it can be very benign to consume at least 20-30 grams of poly peptide three times per day. I've been make clean from oxycodone and all other opiates for over three years now, and I nevertheless eat plenty of quality proteins on a daily basis.

how to wean off oxycodone at home

The following nutritional guidelines can help you lot wean off oxycodone at abode:

  • Consume plenty of turkey, chicken, fish, beef, cottage cheese and other quality proteins (free-range, organic and wild-caught are all-time).
  • Beverage enough of water (half your body weight in ounces per day).
  • Consume lots of fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats.
  • Eliminate or decrease sugar, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates.
  • Eliminate or subtract caffeine and alcohol.
  • Focus mostly on organic whole foods.

Step 5: Starting time Taking an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement

Opiate Withdrawal Supplements are specifically designed to help people wean off oxycodone and other opiates. They contain a synergistic blend of herbs, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that take been shown to be effective at reducing symptoms due to weaning off oxycodone and other opioid drugs.

If you taper, exercise, eat an endorphin-building diet and take a high-quality Opiate Withdrawal Supplement, these mega-strategies combined will aid you wean off oxycodone at home without withdrawal.

The best time to start taking your Opiate Withdrawal Supplement is correct when you reach your personal "threshold" on the oxycodone taper schedule. The threshold is the point at which you get-go to feel symptoms. For some people, this will be around xxx mg, others will feel fine until they accomplish twenty mg or lower.

If yous can beget information technology, I also highly recommend taking this awesome supplement, because the benefits are just besides expert to pass up.

How to Wean Off Oxycodone at Home

I created this programme for weaning off oxycodone based on the power of synergy. If you skip even one of the strategies, it won't be nearly as powerful. However, if you use all of these methods together, you'll be well on your style to coming off oxycodone with ease.

Click here now to view my best habitation detox program. I love hearing from my readers, and I welcome you to mail any questions you might take on how to wean off oxycodone at home.


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